Mexico Beyond Specialty is a project that aims to promote the value of Mexican coffee and the Mexican coffee community.
Guardians of Coffee / Guardianes del Cafe
Integrity / Integridad
The hawk embodies our objective to share Mexican coffee around the world following our integrity requirements. This ecompasses hygiene, fair wages, environmental consciousness, consistency in both samples and sent lots. The flying bird reminds us to look from above, with a larger vision and create projects that transcend our generation.
Freshness / Frescura
The snake is an essential icon in Mexican culture, it is considered a divine animal, for Mayan and Mexicas cultures. The snake is always in contact with the soil representing farming and the earth. It is a remainder of the land where we come from and a guidance to why we are here.
Creativity / Creatividad
The ant is the guardian of creativity and science. It evokes the power of creating beautiful designs to share and communicate coffee. The ant also represents the scientific processes that add value to our agricultural products. It relates to adaptability to different environments and situations.
Community / Comunidad
The bee symbolizes teamwork, coffee farmers, roasters, scientists, and coffee industry creatives join forces as a hive to raise the Mexican coffee community. The bee pollinates the ecosystem, which represents the diffusion of the project and its values.
Beyond Specialty
The specialty accolade only represents a physical and organoleptic evaluation of coffee, however, we firmly believe that this is not enough as a current standard. The environmental and social repercussions of the coffee industry are fundamental to a coffee cup.
Using science and creativity as the base for our actions, we aim towards a new coffee beyond specialty.